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On Another Level: Construction means innovation – so why doesn’t it get the recognition it deserves?

Construction is one of the most important – and largest – sectors in our economy. The health of the industry and its ability to innovate is essential to improving life outcomes and economic opportunities across the UK

The health of the industry and its ability to innovate is essential to improving life outcomes and economic opportunities across the UK, enabling the new homes we need and all of the other amenities that modern life requires – and doing so in a way that enables us to meet our environmental goals.

It’s also a high-tech industry. From modern methods of construction, precision engineering and low carbon building techniques, construction is increasingly a form of advanced manufacturing.

But its reputation lags behind and it ranks low as a career choice. The sector has long faced a skills crisis that is only becoming more acute. And, particularly in a tough economic climate, the volatile business model of many contractors that sees razor-thin margins means that news of yet another construction company’s collapse is never far from the headlines.

In the latest episode of On Another Level, our podcast which explores how real estate and the wider built environment sector is changing and what that means for our cities and places, we explore what needs to be done to revitalise both construction and its reputation.

Our host, former Bloomberg journalist Naomi Kerbel, asks guests from across the industry how we can put a spring into the step of construction – and how a career in construction has the capacity to breathe new life into some of the most vulnerable in society. Naomi talks to:

  • Sandra Robinson, a director of the Save Construction Initiative and Technical Director (Strategic Growth) at WSP
  • Adam Couch, a leading digital innovator in construction
  • Karen Jefford, CEO of Building Heroes

Future episodes will explore issues around what will become of the government’s levelling up policy under should Labour form the next government, and how social value can increasingly rise up the agenda and benefit people, planet and profit.

You can find the podcast on Apple and Spotify.

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